We went out to eat on this St. Patrick’s day after mom had painted the kitchen and Inhad been working around the house all day. On the way to Florence, I looked around and saw this big foot in my face.
You like getting comfy in the van.
Today was one of those landmark days for you. Lindsey came over for an all day stay over in lieu of a sleepover.
Mom took you two to Florence where you went to the movies and saw the current Dr Seuss movie The Lorax. Lunch was at Chili’s and right now you’re playing hide and go seek, squeezing the last bit of fun out before Lindsey goes home.
Oh yeah, of course there was pizza for dinner. Pretty good eight-year-old day I’d say.
I am really thankful that you are still wanting to draw and paint. That means school hasn’t sucked out all your creativity. Hopefully it won’t.
This weekend you decided you wanted to try painting so Mom got a pad of canvas and some acrylics.
I think Mom got the first picture, but I got the second. Mighty proud of it too I am.
You decided you wanted some Play-Doh this weekend. You and Mom went to Fred’s after church on Sunday and got the only package they had which consisted of eight cans of the stuff.
I didn’t have a photo for my daily photo project so I asked you to make me something. Carly Walters was on FaceTime so you didn’t spend much time on it. I was proud of it anyway!