Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mother’s Day Art

Your class made these this week. I liked it and thought you did a great job. Mom kept it displayed at the back door for several days. It says:

I’ve made some May flowers with my fingers and thumb, so you’ll have these memories for years to come!


Oh, and another significant thing about this piece is that it is one of the first of your pieces signed with a cursive signature. Your class learned some cursive over the last couple of weeks and you are very proud. Me too!

Hamburger Heaven

We had a Daddy and Daughter evening yesterday. Mom dropped you off at my work and you played with all the spare phones in my office.

Then we went to Hardee’s and you called it “Hamburger Heaven”. You still wouldn’t admit that it was better than McDonalds even when I asked you to take the happy meal toy out of the equation.


Easter week

You had a huge week. Thursday night you went to a sleepover at Zoe Ellis’. According to your report it was even better than you thought it would be.

Friday was Good Friday and a day off from school. The Easter Bunny was extra good this morning. You got this Monster High doll. As you can tell you were tickled with it.


Straight A’s!

Mom checked Teacher Ease today to get a sneak peak at your report card grades. We were hoping for honor roll, but the news was even better! Straight A’s!

Keep up the good work. Mom and I are very proud of you and love you very much.

Update: photo proof of the good grades!

